Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
Text File
731 lines
Welcome to the
/ ___) *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast
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/ (__ very weekend the *StarShip* on GEnie presents a new 5-MINUTE Weekend
(_____) Newscast in Communications Room 10 in the Real-Time Conference Area.
Featuring late-breaking stories from the Amiga community, these dynamic,
scrolling newscasts cycle every 5 minutes, so you can stop by between 6PM and
3AM Eastern time on Friday, or 3PM and 3AM Eastern time on Saturday or Sunday
and learn everything that happened during the preceding week. Industry news,
product announcements, upgrades, rumors, special *StarShip* activities, trade
show reports, GEnie usage tips, humor, recommended files to download...
... the works -- and it ONLY takes 5 minutes!
Each 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast is available on *StarShip* Menu #10 during the
following week. Periodically, newscasts are combined and made available for
downloading from the *StarShip* Library.
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|| -*- IMPORTANT! -*- |
|| |
|| As long as individual stories are kept intact and credit |
|| is given, this material may be reproduced in ALL or PART |
|| on a privately owned BBS or in a user group newsletter. |
|| See wording for proper credit at the end of this Newscast. |
|| |
|| |
Thanks to Denny Atkin, Editor,
COMPUTE's Amiga Resource,
for his generous input.
Here we go!...
DateLine: May 7, 1993
This 5-MINUTE Newscast presents the following stories:
1. Helm from Eagle Tree Software: Special Offer to *StarShip* Members
2. Address It! and Invoice It! from Legendary Design
3. New INTERNET RoundTable Opens on GEnie
4. Next Week's *StarShip* Amiga Conferences
5. ImageFX 1.03 Enhancer Package
6. Scenery Animator 4.0 Enhancements
7. F-Basic 5.0 Now Available!
8. Steve Worley's "Understanding Imagine" Reprinted
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
1st of 8 Stories
Helm from Eagle Tree Software:
Special Offer to *StarShip* Members
___ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(_ )( _)
/ /_/ / Hopewell, VA -- May 6, 1993
/ __ /
_/ / / /
(___)(__)elm, from Eagle Tree Software, is both an authoring system and a
powerful graphics program. It combines draw, paint, and image processing
tools with a scripting language, a hypermedia database manager, and a rich
assortment of user interface objects.
In Helm, you create objects directly on the pages of electronic books. You
work on the page, attaching actions or scripts to the objects. You can
immediately test your application as you work out the design. You focus on
your application and not on the intricacies of the authoring sytem. And with
Helm's paint and draw tools, you do not have to switch to outside programs to
create or modify your artwork.
Helm's Object Features
PAGES - Place objects on the pages of an interactive book. Each page can have
several CAD-style layers of objects that you can hide or show as you browse
through the book.
FORMS - You can use a form to create a common background for a group of
pages. The form also defines the resolution and number of colors for a set of
BUTTONS - Customize buttons with different borders, colors, patterns, fonts
and shadows.
CHARTS - Choose from bar, column, line, area and pie charts.
IMAGEFIELDS - Imagefields are like miniature paint programs. They support
animations, scrolling, and transparent backgrounds. If you lock an
Imagefield, you can use it as a button that the user can highlight or animate
with a click of a mouse button. If you unlock an imagefield, you can use
Helm's extensive paint tools to edit the image.
SHAPES - Boxes, ellipses, lines, curves, arrows, regular and irregular
polygons. Save memory and increase speed by using shapes instead of bitmap
TEXTFIELDS - Change font, color, or style any number of times within a
textfield. Textfields support color fonts, transparent backgrounds,
scrolling, proportional fonts, and hypertext.
SELECTORS - Selectors are self-contained control panels that Helm can create
and manage. To use a selector, you only have to decide where to put it and
what choices it should give the user. Helm handles the rest.
Here is a list of Helm's types of selectors:
Selector Description
Pop-up Menu Toggle an item using the menu button
Cycle Toggle through a list of items
Check Box Select multiple items by clicking buttons
Multiple Choice Select multiple options by clicking buttons
Single Choice Toggle an item in a list by clicking a button
Radio Box Toggle an item in a list by clicking a radio button
Slider Select a number by moving a knob
Item Slider Select an item in a list using a slider
Palette Choose a color from a set of color buttons
Scrolling List Toggle an item in a list
Matrix Enter numbers into a table of textfields
Number Select a number with up and down buttons
Clock Display the time in 12 or 24 hour format
Date Display the date in a variety of formats
File Select a file with a special scrolling list
Information Displays things like current page number
ACTIONS - You can program a book with just the mouse by attaching lists of
actions to objects. The user triggers these actions by selecting the object
with the mouse or keyboard.
Here is a list of Helm's preprogrammed actions:
Action Description
Go To Turns to a specified page in any book
Narration Reads text using the Amiga narrator device
Music Plays a SMUS file
Musical Notes Plays text notes from classical notation
Sound Plays an 8SVX file
Picture Shows an IFF image or animation
Text Displays a text file
Layers Changes the visibility of an object layer
Visibility Changes the visibility of specified objects
Move Moves an object on a page
Helm Command Executes a default menu command
Execute Calls an external program or an ARexx script
Touch Tones Dials a phone number
Serial Sends data to a serial port
Test Pattern Shows bars used to adjust video output
CDTV Audio Plays a regular CD audio disc
Genlock Controls a 2.0 genlock
Flip Changes the frames in an imagefield animation
Scroll Scrolls the text in a textfield up or down
Blackboard Displays a help requester
SCRIPTS - For more advanced applications, there is a full-featured scripting
language with an English-like syntax. You can modify the attributes or
contents of any object with the scripting language.
Helm's Image Editing Features
PAINT TOOLS - Ellipses, irregular polygons, stars, rays, curves and an
adjustable air brush.
CUSTOM BRUSHES - Create brushes with a rectangle or any paint tool. Rotate,
shear, flip, remap and size brushes.
PAINT TYPES - Matte, Color, Replace, Tint, Smooth, Dissolve, Smudge,
Gradient, Chaos, Sample, Edge, Custom and more.
SUPPORT FOR AGA MODES - Helm's paint tools work in the 8-bit display modes
that are available on AGA computers.
Helm's Other Features
PRINTING - Send books, pages, images, text or reports to a PostScript device
or an Amiga-supported printer.
IMPORTING - For easy distribution, Helm can import sound (8SVX), music
(SMUS), images (ILBM), animations (ANIM-5), and Amiga fonts directly into a
book. Helm uses a file format that is similar to IFF but includes changes
that allow random access.
VISUAL EFFECTS - Many different effects including fades, dissolves, scrolls,
slides and wipes. Use effects when turning pages or changing the visibility
of objects or layers.
AUTOBROWSING - Instead of using the mouse or keyboard, you can browse through
a book using a timer or a joystick.
COMPATIBILITY - Compatible with PAL systems. It also supports ECS and AGA
display modes. Full support for the clipboard.
EXTRAS - The Helm package includes a 340 page manual (8.5" x 11") and five
disks of books and clip art. The books include World Flags, Chinese Signs,
French Flash Cards, Conversion, Atlas, Calendar, Periodic Table, Classic
Cars, Latin Phrases, Animated Buttons, Storyboard, Baby Paint, Bear Book and
/ \
| Special Offer to *StarShip* Members |
| |
| Helm is available directly from Eagle Tree Software |
| to members of the *StarShip* on GEnie at the special |
| price of $79.00 -- a savings of fifty dollars over |
| the suggested retail price! |
| |
| This offer is good ONLY when ordering directly from |
| Eagle Tree Software until October 1, 1993. Contact |
| Eagle Tree at the address below. |
Helm has a suggested retail price of $129.00. For more information, contact
your authorized Amiga reseller or Eagle Tree Software, P.O. Box 164,
Hopewell, VA 23860, telephone 804/452-0623.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
2nd of 8 Stories
_ Address It! and Invoice It! from Legendary Design
/ ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ / Brantford, Ontario, Canada -- May 6, 1993
/ /
/ (_
(____)egendary Design Technologies in March began shipping their first
commercial Amiga product, Address It!, priced at $39.95 U.S.
Address It! is an easy to use personal information manager. It can store up
to 5000 names and addresses per file, including comments, three phone number
fields, birthday, and a user-definable field.
Address It! does more than just store names and addresses though. Through its
powerful search and tagging facilities, you can categorize people in up to 15
separate fields and print custom lists with just the people you want in them.
You can print roster lists, envelopes, labels, rotary cards, and address
books. It supports all Preferences printers, and has special support for PCL
printers like the HP LaserJet and HP InkJet and other compatible printers.
Address It! will also easily integrate with both ProWrite and WordPerfect,
creating mail merge lists automaticaly. It will also output and input ASCII,
allowing you to integrate with virtually any other data base and word
"I think it's about time the Amiga market has some more powerful, yet
affordable, productivity software, and Address It! is our first step. We
don't plan on stopping there," says Syd Bolton, President of Legendary Design
Technologies. "We've researched what's available for both the Apple Macintosh
and IBM PC systems. Address It! is just as powerful (if not more so) than
what both of these platforms have to offer, and costs a lot less."
Address It! works with as little as 512K memory, and is compatible with Amiga
OS 1.2/1.3, 2.0 and 3.0.
Legendary Technologies is already working on several new products that will
complement Address It!. First, Invoice It! (see below) will bring low cost,
simple invoicing softare to the Amiga for those who use their Amiga in a
small business environment. Count It! is inventory control that can be used
in the home for insurance purposes, or again in a small busines environment.
All three products will integrate with each other but will also work
separately. For example, in Invoice It!, you can call up a customer from
Address It!, and sell them an item that is taken out of inventory from Count
It!. The products will all be available separately at first, and then as a
Invoice It!
Finally! Inexpensive and powerful invoicing software available for the Amiga!
If you're tired of trying to find decent productivity software for your
Amiga, the wait is over. Invoice It! is just one of several products that
Legendary Design Technologies is creating. Whether you are joining the ranks
of the self-employed, run a thriving small business, or just need to make up
invoices on occasion for "on the side" work, Invoice It! is the package for
First, you'l be surprised how affordable it is. Invoice It! retails for
$49.95 US and $59.95 Canadian. Then you'll be amazed at how powerful it is.
With Invoice It! you can:
o Create files limited only by disk space
o Automatically create Quotations and convert them into actual invoices
with ONE mouse click!
o Flexibility in handling two tax rates, compounding, and rounding
o Design your own invoice layout
o Print the following:
Accounts Receivable Reports
Invoice Summary / Detail
Customer Summary / Detail
Cash Receipt Summary / Detail
Trend Reports
o Apply discounts
o Supports laser, dot-matrix, and ink-jet printers
o Mouse oriented line operations like cut/copy/paste make editing simple
o Export information into your spreadsheet for further analysis and graph
o Custom lists reduce typing for common entries
o Account aging handled automatically
o Extremely easy to use!
Address It! is presently available in the U.S. through CREATIVE COMPUTERS in
California, and SAFE HARBOR COMPUTERS in Wisconsin. Additionally, all
products are available directly from Legendary Technologies by check, money
order, Visa or Mastercard. Invoice It! will be shipping within days.
According to Syd Bolton, Legendary is strongly committed toward developing a
new wave of high-quality productivity software for the Amiga. In addition to
Address It! and Invoice It! (both of which will have even higher level
versions), they will be introducing an inventory package (as yet unnamed), as
well as some conversion utility packs that will include much needed text
conversion (i.e. convert WordPerfect 5.1 IBM files to ProWrite 3.3). They
also have other products in store including PLUS versions of Address It! and
Invoice It! that will work together through the power of ARexx to create the
following situation:
Customer runs a script that has Invoice It! PLUS create an Accounts
Receivable report. For all accounts older than 30 days (or user-specified),
Address It! PLUS gets those records, writes a form letter which includes
name, address, amount owing and number of days old. The form letters are
printed, followed by envelopes or mailing labels to complete the process. All
Based in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, Legendary Design Technologies has been
incorporated since 1989. Although Address It! is their first commercial
release, they have released several programs as "Freely Distributable" on the
Fish Disks including: Prism 1.4, StripANSI, Screen Jaeger, Screen Mod, and
VS2PR. Legendary has also been involved in the production of software on
other platforms, and also in Amiga graphics for local cable stations.
For more information, contact Legendary Technologies, Inc., 25 Frontenac
Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, CANADA N3R 3B7, telephone 519/753-6120, fax,
extension 5.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
3rd of 8 Stories
_____ New INTERNET RoundTable Opens on GEnie
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/ /___ *StarShip* News Network -- May 5, 1993
/ /( )
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(______/Enie is proud to bring you the Internet RoundTable, with a staff of
experts, hundreds of informational new files, and many new features:
-* Support for the Internet Mail Gateway
-* Mailing Lists & Newsgroup Digests
-* "Anonymous FTP" File Request Service
-* And much, much more!
The Internet RoundTable is a place for people who have an interest in the
Internet, including electronic mail, usenet newsgroups, mailing lists &
digests, anonymous FTP files, international wide area networking, and both
beginning and advanced Internet uses. Introductory tutorials about the
Internet can be found, as well as technical discussions of setting up
Internetworks. Real-Time Conferences are held on a regular basis, and
schedules can be found in the Internet RT as you enter.
Stop by today, and check out a most excellent place on GEnie!
The Internet RoundTable is located on GEnie Page 1405, keyword INTERNET-RT.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
4th of 8 Stories
| |
| *StarShip* Amiga Conferences |
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| Except where noted, Conferences begin at 10PM Eastern Time in the Amiga |
| Conference Rooms at Page 555;2. Amiga Programmers meet Wednesday nights |
| at Pro/Am on Page 670. Amiga/GEnie HelpDesk EVERY Night at 9PM Eastern. |
| Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Humpday |Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
| Help@9EDT| Help@9EDT|Help@9EDT| Help@9EDT|Help@9EDT| Help@9EDT| Help@9EDT|
| 9 | 10 | 11 |\ | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
|5-MIN News| | _| | | | New |5-MIN News|
| 3PM-3AM | DeskTop | (_) | AmiGames |vv-Video!|*StarShip*| 3PM-3AM |
| -*- |Publishing| MOD | ------ | with | 5-MINUTE |9:Hardware|
|10PM: | Night | Music |Programing| Yury & | Newscast | Clinic |
| Graphics | | Night |at Pro/Am | Guests | 6PM-3AM |10: Party!|
HelpDesk *EVERY* NIGHT @ 9PM Eastern Time!
Got a problem? If you have questions about learning to use your
Amiga, the *StarShip* or GEnie, we have answers! Stop by Conference
Room 4 ANY EVENING from 9 to 10 EDT for live, on-the-spot help.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
5th of 8 Stories
ImageFX 1.03 Enhancer Package
_ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ \ / ) King of Prussia, PA -- May 5, 1993
/ \/ /
/ /\ /
(_/ \_/ova Design, Inc. and Great Valley Products (GVP) have released an
Enhancement package for version 1.03 of their popular imaging processing
system for the Amiga, ImageFX.
This package is available for downloading from the *StarShip* Library in file
19258 IMAGEFX103ENHANCER.LHA, approximate # of bytes: 201088. This
archive/disk contains a special upgrade to GVP's exciting image manipulation
software packages; ImageFX(tm) version 1.03
ImageFX is a complete image processing system for the Amiga computer.
Featuring built-in support for scanning and framegrabbing, printing, image
rendering, file format conversion, painting and touchup work, not to mention
hundreds of special effects combinations, ImageFX is the only 24-bit image
processing software you will ever need. It is a modular, easy to use, WYSIWIG
system that covers all aspects of image manipulation from start to finish.
Some features included are:
o Incredibly fast JPEG loading and saving
o DCTV Preview Module
o OpalVision Preview Module
o Support of the speedy ANIM7 animation format
o New preferences printing for the best printouts possible in any
image processing software
o ...and much much more!
This is provided as a free upgrade to all ImageFX owners. It is Copyright
1993 by Nova Design, Inc. and is freely distributable as long as all files
and documentation remain intact.
For more information about ImageFX, leave a message in *StarShip* Bulletin
Board Category 21, Topic 5, or contact Great Valley Products at 600 Clark
Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406, telephone 215/337-8770, fax 215/337-9922.
ImageFX is a trademark of GVP and Nova Design, Inc. Amiga is a trademark of
Commodore Business Machines, Ltd. All other trademarks are held by their
respective companies.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
6th of 8 Stories
Scenery Animator 4.0 Enhancements
_ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ \ / ) Rocklin, CA -- May 6, 1993
/ \/ /
/ /\ /
(_/ \_/atural Graphics of Rocklin, CA, has announced an upgrade to its
popular Amiga scenic background and animation generator, Scenery Animator
Version 4.0.
Scenery Animator 4.0 has the following new features:
o Lets you import, position and render VideoScape 3D objects in your scenes
o Adds the new AGA modes, standard HAM (on all Amigas), and HAM8
o Lets you manually position individual trees
o Lets you magnify the landscape map up to 512K for precise positioning
o Previews on the main screen are now more than 2 times faster than earlier
o 3D objects may be rotated and re-sized
o A new "Night" option is available, along with stars (using real star
data, not random dots)
o The camera path and banking are now smoother
o Camera positioning and view controls on the main screen have been
Scenery Animator 4.0 will be available on May 20 for $99.95 (suggested
retail). Registered owners of earlier versions will be notified by mail, and
may upgrade for $35.00. Owners of competing software may upgrade for $40.00.
For more information, contact Natural Graphics, 4603 Slate Court, Rocklin, CA
95677, telephone 916/624-1436, fax 916/24-1406.
*StarShip* Amiga *Flash*
7th of 8 Stories
____ F-Basic 5.0 Now Available!
/ ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ (_ Rapid City, SD -- April 1993
/ ___)
/ /
(_/-Basic from Delphi Noetic Systems, Inc., is an enhanced, compiled language
system sporting the power of C with the ease of learning that comes from
BASIC. The Version 5.0 upgrade is the fourth major upgrade to F-Basic since
its debut in 1988. It supports extensive control structures, recursive
subprograms, global and local variables, extended integer variables, fast
9-digit single precision real numbers, IEEE double precision real numbers,
and text variables. It also supports record structures and pointers, high
level access to Amiga graphics, sound, menues, the ROM Kernal and more.
Version 2.0 added animation, IFF picture file reader/writer, icons, random
access files, and the Linker. Version 3.0 added an integrated editor
environment, direct 68020/030 and coprocessor support, IFF sound file player,
user-defined operations on record structures (object oriented programming), a
built-in matrix package, a built-in complex number package, and even FASTER
code. Version 4.0 added an ARexx port and interface, high level gadgets,
additional mouse support, separately compiled modules, safety program
checksumming, an improved editor, 68040 support, and a code optimizer.
Version 5.0 now adds access to all screen modes of the ECS and AGA chip sets,
PAL support, advanced support for serial device telecommunications, user
defined font support, a re-written editor environment, among dozens more.
F-Basic Version 5.0 is AmigaDOS 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 compatible, and runs on
ALL Amiga platforms. Sold with Version 5.0 of the F-Basic System Source Level
DeBugger (SLDB) for $159.95. Sold without the SLDB for $99.95.
F-Basic Source Level DeBugger (SLDB) 5.0 Now Available
Finally! A resource to help you quickly find and eliminate software bugs in
your code! The SLDB functions in a fully windowed Intuition interface, and
allows the user of an F-Basic 5.0 program to debug at the SOURCE level. A
knowledge of assembly language is not necessary to use the SLDB. The SLDB
allows the user to set breakpoints on source lines of the program to halt
execution, trace one source line at a time, go until breakpoint, etc. It also
allows the same functions at the assembly level. Valuable debugging tool for
beginner or advanced programmer. Some features include viewing and altering
processor registers, memory, variables, arrays, and records by name. A full
featured reversed assembler is also included for the machine code enthusiast.
Version 5.0 adds many, many new features and full support of the ECS and AGA
chip sets and PAL modes. The SLDB includes a user's manual, and requires
F-Basic 5.0. It is AmigaDOS 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 compatible. Runs on all
Amiga platforms.
Upgrading to V5.0 for Current Program Owners
Upgrade notices have been sent to registered users and are required to be
returned for upgrading to Version 5.0. Upgrade cost is $19.95 including the
5.0 F-Basic Language System, 5.0 Upgrade Manual, 5.0 SLDB (for current
owners), and dozens more sample programs illustrating the new features. Users
who have not received their upgrade notices by May 15, 1993, should phone
DNS, Inc. at 605/348-0791.
F-Basic Version 5.0 adds these new features:
1. Full access to the Screen Modes of the ECS & AGA Chip Set - Originally,
F-Basic screens and windows were based upon the formats provided by the
original graphics hardware. With the 5.0 release, F-Basic supports an
additional extended SCREEN statement, which allows the user to select from a
palette of the large number of screen modes supported by the operating
system. Increased screen resolution, depth, and number of colors available
are immediate enhancements to your F-Basic prorams.
2. Overscan & PAL Support - Each of the four Overscan types (Text, Standard
Max, and Video) are now available with F-Basic screens and windows. This
allows larger portions of the display screen to be accessible for the
rendering of text or graphics. Also, new F-Basic 5.0 screens support PAL
formats for European users of the system.
3. User Defined Font Support - This upgrade provides high level commands for
installing new fonts. These permit printing with different fonts and colors
within the same F-Basic window and greatly enhance the graphical interface
capabilities of the language.
4. Pinpoint Control of Print Statements - Version 5.0 adds a new PRINT
function that allows text to be positioned beginning at any pixel location
within the window. This complements the current PRINT command that works with
cursor locations.
5. WINDOW_RESIZE Event - Instantly respond to the use of a window's sizing
gadget within the familiar and convenient F-Basic event block syntax.
Additionally, new commands are available in 5.0 to sense the pixel width and
height of the current font, as well as the number of characters per line and
number of lines available in the current window. This allows easy rendering
of text and graphics into a window whose size may arbitrarily change.
6. SERIAL Event - Receive data from the serial port without syspending
execution or 'busy' wait loops. This F-Basic event block addition makes
telecommunications programs amazingly simple. In addition, 5.0 adds high
level commands which may be used to change the characteristics of the serial
port, such as baud rate, parity, the type of error checking used, etc.
7. New "Look" For the Editor & SLDB - The 5.0 Editor and SLDB take advantage
of the new graphical innovations in the language to produce a very pleasant
integrated environment to develop within. As always, any other text editor
may also be used in conjunction with F-Basic Version 5.0.
There are many more upgrades, including code enhancements and 'bug fixes.'
This is the most complete F-Basic ever, and its graphical capabilities are
now unsurpassed. Version 5.0 of the SLDB is also now available, itself packed
with many new features.
F-Basic 5.9 is AmigaDOS 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 compatible and runs on all
Amiga platforms and accelerators, including the A500, 600, 1000, 1200, 2500,
3000 and 4000.
For more information about F-Basic and the SLDB, contact your authorized
Amiga reseller or Delphi Noetic Systems, Inc., 3924 West Chicago Street, P.O.
Box 7722, Rapid City, SD 57709-7722, telephone 605/348-0791.
*StarShip* NEWS *Flash*
8th of 8 Stories
____ Steve Worley's "Understanding Imagine" Reprinted
/ ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
( (__ *StarShip* News Network -- May 6, 1993
\__ \
___) )
(____/teve Worley, author of the definitive book about Impulse's Imagine,
says that "Understanding Imagine" has been out of print for several months
since Impulse had told him that Imagine 3.0 would be available early this
year. Says Worley, "I had planned to write a new edition of Understanding
Imagine (UI) including all the new features, and didn't want to be stuck with
thousands of obsolete copies of UI 2.0. Anyway, I finally gave up waiting for
3.0, and did a reprint last month. There are now loads of copies available."
This fine book can be ordered by credit card from Apex by calling
415/322-7532 between the hours of 10AM and 6PM Pacific time. Calls will be
answered by a courteous, intelligent and Imagine-literate salesperson who
will be glad to help you, Steve Worley himself. :-) Fax orders may be placed
at 415/322-2059.
For more information, contact Apex Software, 405 El Camino Real #121, Menlo
Park CA 94025.
Over a GIGABYTE of Amiga files in our Library!
Catch your limit of Fred FISH Disks from the *StarFish* Library.
If you are after a SINGLE PROGRAM on a Fish Disk, SEARCH for it
before downloading the disk. Most are available separately!
| |
| Permission is hereby granted to quote ALL or PART of this |
| Newscast on a privately owned BBS or in a user group news- |
| letter provided you include the following credit: |
| |
| Reprinted by permission from the *StarShip* 5-MINUTE News |
| on GEnie. |
| |
| If you feel like adding the following as text well, we |
| would appreciate it: |
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| Joining GEnie is easy! Use half duplex at 300/1200/2400 |
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| type AMIGA and press Return. \ * * / |
|________________________________________________ * * ________|
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * ~~~~~~~
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We'd like to know if you reprint * The *
the *StarShip* 5-MINUTE News. * *StarShip* *
Tell us by leaving *free* Feedback * on GEnie *
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The May issue of ViewPort -- the *StarShip* Monthly Magazine --
will be available shortly! Watch the Banner on GEnie Page 555!
In-depth News! Reviews! Tutorials! Opinion! Don't miss it!